Traditional archery

Event date
9 Sep - 12 Sep
Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex
Ticket prices:
Soon on sale


Name Date and time Location Tickets
Traditional archery (morning)
9.09 , 11:00
Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex
9 Sep - 11:00 Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex Choose a ticket
Traditional archery (evening)
9.09 , 16:00
Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex
9 Sep - 16:00 Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex Choose a ticket
Traditional archery (morning)
10.09 , 11:00
Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex
10 Sep - 11:00 Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex Choose a ticket
Traditional archery (evening)
10.09 , 16:00
Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex
10 Sep - 16:00 Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex Choose a ticket
Traditional archery (morning)
11.09 , 11:00
Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex
11 Sep - 11:00 Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex Choose a ticket
Traditional archery (evening)
11.09 , 16:00
Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex
11 Sep - 16:00 Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex Choose a ticket
Traditional archery (morning)
12.09 , 11:00
Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex
12 Sep - 11:00 Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex Choose a ticket
Traditional archery (evening)
12.09 , 16:00
Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex
12 Sep - 16:00 Astana, Argymak equestrian sports
and recreation complex Choose a ticket

Дәстүрлі садақ ату — Еуропа мен Азияда танымал спорт түрі. Жыл сайын түрлі халықаралық жарыстар мен турнирлер өткізіледі, онда континенттің ең жақсы садақшылары жиналады. Мұндай іс-шаралар жарысқа қатысушылардың да, көрермендердің де қызығушылығын тудырады. Бұл нағыз костюмдер шоуы, өйткені осы жарыстардың ережелеріне сәйкес әр садақшы міндетті түрде өзінің ұлттық киімін немесе тарихи жауынгерлік киімін киюі керек.

Стрельба из традиционного лука — популярный вид спорта в Европе и Азии. Ежегодно проводятся различные международные соревнования и турниры, на которых собираются лучшие лучники континента. Подобные мероприятия вызывают огромный интерес как у участников соревнований, так и у зрителей. Это настоящее костюмированное шоу, потому что по правилам этих соревнований каждый лучник обязательно должен быть облачен в свою национальную одежду или историческую боевую экипировку.

Traditional archery is a popular sport in Europe and Asia. Various international competitions and tournaments are held annually, where the best archers of the continent gather. Such events arouse great interest among both the participants of the competition and the audience. This is a real costume show, because according to the rules of these competitions, every archer must be dressed in his national clothes or historical combat equipment.

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