

Ice Palace «Alau», Astana
09 Sep - 10 Sep
От 1000

The national wrestling of the Uzbek people. Translated from Uzbek, "kurash" means "to achieve the goal fairly." Kurash is now a developed sport and with federations all over the world.

Kurash (morning)

Astana, Ice Palace «Alau»

09 September 2024, 10:00

From 1000 a

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Kurash (evening)

Astana, Ice Palace «Alau»

09 September 2024, 16:00

From 2000 a

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Kurash (morning)

Astana, Ice Palace «Alau»

10 September 2024, 10:00

From 1000 a

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Kurash (evening)

Astana, Ice Palace «Alau»

10 September 2024, 16:00

From 2000 a

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